Form of Government: Borough Council, Mayor
The Borough Council consists of Seven (7) members elected to four (4) year terms. Members are elected on a two year rotation so that the Council doesn’t turn over in one shot.
In January of even years Council meets on the first Monday of the month to swear in newly elected members and reorganize themselves, electing a president and vice president. The Borough Solicitor and Engineer are selected at this time.
If a seat becomes vacant, the Vacancy Board selects a candidate and presents it to Council for a vote. The new member holds the seat until the next election period.
Except that biennial January meeting or if there is a conflict with Election Day, Council meets on the
2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Borough Hall. Work sessions held on the third Tuesday are also advertised and might be once or twice a year.
The Council President runs the meetings and as such is preclude from making motions.
Council members belong to separate Council three (3) member committees that perform the research and discussion to develop policy recommendations for the full Council. The president is not part of the committee structure but can attend meetings if a member is absent.
The meeting is streamed live on Verizon channel 36 and Comcast channel 965. It is rebroadcast at
1 am, 4 am, 10 am, 3 pm, 7 pm and 10 pm.
The Mayor is elected to serve a four (4) year term and is a nonvoting member of the panel except in the case of a tie. (S)He is responsible for the Police Department and also chairs other events in the Borough.